Generate quenched gauge configurations
To learn more about the specifics of the gauge updates, take a look at
Gauge Updates (HB and OR).
To generate quenched gauge configurations, make
the executable generateQuenched
You can then find it under applications/generateQuenched
. The example parameter file is
found under parameter/generateQuenched.param
and looks like this:
#parameter file for generateQuenched
Lattice = 64 64 64 16
Nodes = 1 1 1 1
beta = 6.87361
format = nersc
endianness = auto
stream = a
output_dir = .
nconfs = 1000
nsweeps_ORperHB = 4
nsweeps_HBwithOR = 500
start = one
nsweeps_thermal_HB_only = 500
nsweeps_thermal_HBwithOR = 4000
#conf_nr = 500
#prev_conf = conf_s064t16_b0687361_a_U000500
#prev_rand = rand_s064t16_b0687361_a_U000500
Calling ./generateQuenched generateQuenched.param
will output gauge configurations (in nersc format with double precision and 2/3 compression) and their corresponding random number state in the folder output_dir
. The output looks like this: e.g.
The configuration number is inferred from nsweeps_HBwithOR
, i.e. the first configuration is labeled with the suffix “_U<nsweeps_HBwithOR>
” and the following configuration numbers increase in steps of nsweeps_HBwithOR
. You should always specify the stream name by setting the parameter stream
With nconfs
you can specify how many configurations should be generated before the program stops.
With nsweeps_ORperHB
you can specify how many OR updates should be done for each HeatBath update.
With nsweeps_HBwithOR
you can specify how many HB updates (with nsweeps_ORperHB
OR updates per HB) should be done between each saved configuration.
Thermalization parameters
These are required when starting a new stream.
With start
you can specify with which kind of configuration the thermalization should start.
The options are one
(all links = unity matrix), fixed_random
(all links = same random SU3 matrix) and all_random
(a random configuration of SU3 matrices).
With nsweeps_thermal_HB_only
you can specify how many pure HB updates should be done after the cold start.
With nsweeps_thermal_HBwithOR
you can specify how many HBOR updates should be done after the pure HB updates.
The seed for the random number generator is the time since Unix epoch in milliseconds and is output to stdout.
Parameters for resuming a previous run
With prev_conf
you can specify the path of the last configuration you generated.
With conf_nr
you can specify the number of this last configuration, so that the next configuration’s number will be ( previous_number + nsweeps_ORperHB
). Don’t forget to set stream
to the correct value.
With prev_rand
you can specify the path of the according random number state of that configuration. If you don’t specify this then a new random number state will be generated (The seed for this is also time since Unix epoch in milliseconds and is output to stdout.)