Gradient Flow

Currently there are two different implementations of the gradient flow, the Wilson flow and the Zeuthen flow (Symanzik improved flow. See arxiv:1508.05552). The flow can be integrated using a standard Runge Kutta 3 or an adaptive step size Runge Kutta 3.

To compile the gradientFlow executable run:

make gradientFlow -j<NumberOfCores>

This can take up to 60+ minutes (depending on the Hardware). If you only want to use the zeuthen force and the adaptive step size Runge-Kutta, you can also compile gradientFlow_zeuthen, which will only take 20 minutes to compile. (The most compile time is consumed by topology.cpp.)

To run the program, one needs a parameter file. It should take these parameters:


Lattice = 20 20 20 20
Nodes = 1 1 1 1
beta = 6.498
Gaugefile = ../test_conf/l20t20b06498a_nersc.302500  # Path to input configuration.
format = nersc                                       # Format of input configuration.
endianness = auto                                    # Endianness of input configuration.
conf_nr = 302500                                     # Configuration number (optional).
force = zeuthen                                      # specify if you want to have the Wilson flow ("wilson") or Zeuthen flow ("zeuthen").
start_step_size = 0.01                               # The (start) step size of the Runge Kutta integration.
RK_method = adaptive_stepsize                        # Set to fixed_stepsize, adaptive_stepsize or adaptive_stepsize_allgpu (see below).
accuracy = 0.01                                      # Specify the accuracy of the adaptive step size method.

measurements_dir = ./                                # Measurement output directory
measurement_intervall = 0 1                          # Flow time Interval which should be iterated.
necessary_flow_times=0.25 0.5                        # Set the flow-times which shouldn't be skipped by the fixed or adaptive step size

ignore_fixed_startstepsize = 0                       # ignore the fixed step size and infer steps izes from necessary_flow_times
save_configuration = 0                               # Save the flowed configuration at each step? (0=no, 1=yes)

binsize = 8                                          # used in the calculation of energy-momentum tensor correlators.

# Set to 1 if you want to measure any of these observables (or 0 if not):
plaquette = 1
clover = 0
cloverTimeSlices = 0
topCharge = 0
topCharge_imp = 0
topChargeTimeSlices = 0
topChargeTimeSlices_imp = 0
energyMomentumTensor = 0
ColorElectricCorrTimeSlices = 0
ColorMagneticCorrTimeSlices = 0

polyakovLoopCorrelator = 0
GaugeFixTol = 1e-6
GaugeFixNMax = 9000
GaugeFixNUnitarize = 20

The parameter RK_method specifies the Runge-Kutta integration method. The options are fixed_stepsize, adaptive_stepsize (needs only 2 full Gaugefields on the GPU but is slower) or adaptive_stepsize_allgpu (needs 4 full Gaugefields on the GPU but is faster).

Then program should be executed as follows:

srun -n <NoOfGPUs> ./gradientFlow /path/to/parameterFile <optionalParam>

where <optionalParam>{=html} can be one of the above mentioned parameters (e.g. start_step_size=0.02), which then will be replaced in the parameter file.

The results of plaquette, clover, topCharge and topCharge_imp will be writer in one (ASCII) output file. cloverTimeSlices, topChargeTimeSlices, topChargeTimeSlices_imp and ColorElectricCorrTimeSlices will be written in seperate (ASCII) output files.

Which flow times do I want?


This notation may differ from the notation you find in the literature (e.g., Lüscher’s papers). Remember temperature \(T=\frac{1}{aN_\tau}\).

lattice spacing


“physical” dimensionful flow time

\(\tau_\mathrm{F}=t_\mathrm{F} a^2\)

dimensionless (lattice) flow time

\(\tau_\mathrm{F}/a^2\equiv t_\mathrm{F}\)

dimensionless flow time in terms of fixed temperature

\(\tau_\mathrm{F} T^2= t_\mathrm{F} / N_\tau^2\)

dimensionless flow radius in terms of fixed temperature

\(\sqrt{8\tau_\mathrm{F}}T = \sqrt{8t_\mathrm{F}}/N_\tau\)

physical separation of operators on the lattice

\(\tau = at\)

dimensionless (lattice) sepration

\(\tau/a \equiv t\)

In this section we briefly describe how to estimate which step size(s), necessary_flow_times and upper limit to use for a given set of lattices. In the parameter file you always specify the dimensionless flow time(s) \(t_\mathrm{F}\).

  • The leading order solution to the flowed gauge field reads \(A^\mathrm{LO}_\mu(x,\tau_\mathrm{F}) = \int \mathrm{d}y \left(\sqrt{2\pi} \sqrt{8\tau_\mathrm{F}}/2\right)^{-4} \exp{\frac{-(x-y)^2}{\sqrt{8\tau_\mathrm{F}}^2/2}} A_\mu(y)\), which means that the gauge fields are smeared over a spherical extent with radius \(\simeq \sqrt{8\tau_\mathrm{F}}\).

  • For a correlation function \(G(\tau)\), one can compare the flow radius with the separation \(\tau\) of the correlation function in order to obtain an upper limit for the flow time range. In order for the operators to be well separated at a distance \(\tau\) the flow time should obey \(\sqrt{8\tau_\mathrm{F}} \leq \tau/2\). Most of the time you will probably have an even stricter upper limit because the contamination that is caused by overlapping operators (especially with improved discretizations that are non-local) will start much earlier.

  • For the lower limit of the flow time you often want \(\sqrt{8\tau_\mathrm{F}} \geq a \) so that \(a^2/\tau_\mathrm{F}\)-type corrections vanish and the operators are fully renormalized by the flow.

In most cases one wants to compare the observables on different lattices at the same “physical” dimensionful flow time (or radius). Below you can find two examples on how to achieve this.

Example 1: Fixed temperature; different lattice spacings:

In order to keep \(\tau_\mathrm{F}=a^2 t_\mathrm{F}\) fixed we need a larger lattice flow time \(t_\mathrm{F}\) for smaller lattice spacing \(a\). Since the temperature is fixed in this example, we can define the flow radii in terms of it and convert them, for each lattice, to the dimensionless flow times that are then used in the integration.

Let’s say we’ve let the adaptive stepsize algorithm run with a very small initial stepsize and high accuracy, and saw that our correlation function is already heavily contaminated for \(\sqrt{8\tau_\mathrm{F}} T = \sqrt{8t_\mathrm{F}}/N_\tau > t/N_\tau = \tau T / 5\), which we want to use as the upper limit. Here we’ve made the inequality dimensionless by multiplying both sides with the fixed temperature \(T\).

  • On a symmetric lattice the maximum value for the separation is \(\tau T = a t \frac{1}{aN_\tau} = 0.5\), which means that the upper flow radius limit is \(\sqrt{8\tau_\mathrm{F}} T = 0.5/5 = 0.1\). Solving for the flow time gives us \(\tau_\mathrm{F} = a^2 t_\mathrm{F} = (\frac{0.1}{T})^2 / 8 = a^2 (0.1 N_\tau)^2 / 8\). Divide both sides by \(a^2\) and insert the corresponding \(N_\tau\) for each lattice and you obtain the dimensionless flow time \(t_\mathrm{F}\) that you can put in the parameter file for this \(N_\tau\).

  • You may also want to compare the observables on different lattices at some (or many) fixed intermediate physical flow radii, let’s say \(\sqrt{8\tau_\mathrm{F}} T \in {0.01,0.02, \dots 0.09}\). You can compute the dimensionless flow times in the same way as above and then provide them via the necessary_flow_times parameter.

Example 2: Fixed lattice spacing; different temperatures:

In order to keep \(\tau_\mathrm{F}=a^2 t_\mathrm{F}\) fixed we don’t need to change the lattice flow time \(t_\mathrm{F}\) for each lattice since the lattice spacing \(a\) is the same for all of them.

  • First we decide again what flow radii \(\sqrt{8\tau_\mathrm{F}}T\) we want. We then convert those to dimensionless flow times \(t_\mathrm{F}\) as in the first example, but we need to decide for which lattice do to this. The natural choice is the the lattice with the lowest temperature (highest \(N_\tau\)), since it will have the largest physical temporal extent \(aN_\tau\) and thus largest dimensionless flow time \(t_\mathrm{F}\). We then adjust the upper flow time limit for the higher temperature lattices, since those won’t allow for as much flow, as they have a smaller physical temporal extent \(a N_\tau\).

  • This means that for a fixed number of intermediate flow times that we want to explicitly measure on the lowest temperature lattice (using the necessary_flow_times parameter) we maybe won’t be able to realize all of them on the higher temperature lattices, since some of them could be larger than the upper flow time limit (which is \(N_\tau\) dependent) because of the decreased \(N_\tau\). One should adjust this upper limit accordingly in order to not waste computation time.

Dictating all flowtimes manually for improved speed

In order to save GPU memory we can run the adaptive_stepsize algorithm once on one configuration with high accuracy and a small initial start-stepsize, then save the flow times it visits and use the fixed_stepsize algorithm (which only needs half of the GPU memory) with those flow times as the necessary_flow_times for all other configurations. By setting the parameter ignore_fixed_stepsize=1 there won’t be any additional flow time steps in between the necessary_flow_times and we effectively obtain an adaptive stepsize algorithm while using the fixed stepsize one!

  • For a given accuracy (see parameter file) of \(10^{-5}\), which is rather high, the adaptive stepsize algorithm will, after some time (for \(t_\mathrm{F} \gtrsim 5\)), always make steps with a fixed stepsize of \(t_\mathrm{F} \approx 0.15\), regardless of the lattice spacing.
    If you dictate all flow times, you should make sure that two adjacent dimensionless flow times \(t_\mathrm{F}\) are not separated by more than 0.15.

  • Additionally, one should make sure that the step sizes are small in the beginning and only increase gradually. If you suddenly increase the step size by a large amount or start with a too large one, the integration will become unstable quickly and fail!


In the following, we list some details about some of the observables that can be calculated using the gradient flow application.

Topological charge

We use the field theory motivated definition,

\( Q_L=a^4\sum_x q_L(x), \)

where the sum is over all lattice sites and

\( q_L(x) = -\frac{1}{2^9\pi^2}\sum\limits_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma=\pm 1}^{\pm 4} \tilde{\epsilon}_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma} \;\text{tr}\;U^\Box_{\mu\nu}(x)U^\Box_{\rho\sigma}(x). \)

This definition is plagued by UV fluctations, which makes it not generally non-integer before any gradient flow. Moreover it is a global quantity, so a reasonably chosen amount of gradient flow, which affects short-distance physics most strongly, is not expected to damage it.

Energy-Momentum Tensor

The energy-mementum tensor is calculated using blocking method, that is, splitting the spatial surface into pieces; each piece of size binsize * binsize * binsize. Then the energy-momentum tensor (both the traceful part and traceless part) is average over each piece and used for the calculation of EMT correlators in shear and bulk channel.

The improved topological charge is computed using additional rectangles in the field strength tensor:

Plaq-Clover = (1/8)*[Q_{mu,nu}(x) - Q_{mu,nu}^dagger(x)]
Rect-Clover = (1/16)*[R_{mu,nu}(x) - R_{mu,nu}^dagger(x)]
F_{mu,nu}(x) = 5/3 * Plaq-Clover - 1/3 * Rect-Clover,

Polyakov loop correlators

These correlators related to Polyakov loops generally require gauge fixing. You can also learn more in the correlator article.