Testing the code

This is perhaps the most important aspect of code creation for SIMULATeQCD: It is crucially important that you write a test for each new feature that you implement. As indicated in the Code Structure document, new testing main programs should go in src/testing. It is also crucially important that you run ALL tests after you have made major changes. Please always do this, even if you are convinced that your changes could not have possibly broken anything.

To make running the tests a bit easier for you, we have included some scripts to do this automatically. In the scripts directory one finds the Bash scripts

  1. runTests_0.bash

  2. runTests_1.bash

  3. runTests_2.bash

which should be run in that order. To compile the tests, navigate to your build folder and

make -j tests

It may take some time to compile all the tests; in particular for CUDA versions lower than 11.5, this seems to take more than an hour. Next, you should try to reserve 4 GPUs on whatever machine you are using. (If you are running locally and only have access to 1 GPU, you can use runTestsSingleGPU.bash. This is better than not doing any test at all, but please not we will not accept your pull request until we verify all multi-GPU tests pass.) We have collected test executables within each runTests script to run in less than 30 minutes on Pascal GPUs so that you can test interactively at most computing centers. When you are ready to run the tests,

cd testing

(On one GPU, instead call ../scripts/runTestsSingleGPU.bash.) The output for each test is redirected to an OUT file. If there are errors for a test, it will be redirected to a runERR file. All empty runERR files are deleted. Once you have run script 0, run scripts 1 and 2.

At the end of your test run, if there are no runERR files, then you are done.

Adding your test to the runTests scripts

After your test is working, please add it to the last runTests script. This way your test will always be run automatically by future developers. To accomplish this:

  1. Make sure that you added your test to the tests executables in CMakeLists.txt, i.e. you will need the line add_to_compound_SIMULATeQCD_target(tests myTest). Please also add an entry to runTestsSingleGPU.bash.

  2. If your test takes a fixed GPU layout, simply add the entry testRoutinesNoParam[_myTest]="N", where N is the number of GPUs required, to TEST_run.bash.

  3. Otherwise if you would like to run your test with various GPU layouts, make sure it has its own .param file in the parameter/tests with Nodes as an adjustable parameter and

  4. add the entry testRoutines[_bulkIndexerTest]="GPUkey" to runTests.

For the last step, the GPUkey tells the runTests scrips which GPU layouts they should test. The GPUkey consists for a number of GPUs concatenated with one of two layout symbols:

  • s: Split only in spatial directions. Useful for observables like the Polyakov loop, where one prefers not to split the lattice in the Euclidean time direction.

  • k: No long directions. Useful whenever 4 does not divide a lattice extension.

Using the testing.h header file

It is very important that your code yields correct scientific results. One of the most straightforward ways to carry out such a test is to make a comparison with known results. For your convenience, there are several functions in testing.h for exactly this purpose.

If you are doing any calculation with affects the Gaugefield, for example an over-relaxation update, please check this using a link-by-link comparison against some known reference. One can compare test and reference Gaugefield objects using

bool compare_fields(test, reference, tol=1e-6)

which check that every element of every link of test and reference agree within a relative error of tol. It returns true if every single element of both Gaugefield objects agree.

To compare scalars test and reference one can use

void compare_relative(test, reference, rel, prec, text)

which makes sure they agree within relative error rel as well as absolute error prec. It will display custom text along with pass and fail messages.